thick lens

英 [θɪk lenz] 美 [θɪk lenz]

网络  厚透镜; 薄透镜



  1. It's an easy matter to observe chromatic aberrations, with a thick, simple converging lens.
  2. The most unforgettable is he with wide face wore a pair of thick myopic lens and after a pair of lenses that lidded eyes forever.
  3. With used Newtons image formula of spherical refraction and the optical spacing term, the formula about cardinal point and image of the thick lens is derived with simpler and more natural way.
  4. Thermal stability of parallel-plane resonator with an internally thermal thick lens
  5. Fractional Fourier transform of spherical refracting system and compound thick lens
  6. Synthetic Image of Unusually Thick Lens Array and its Potential Applications
  7. The Transformation of Gaussian Beam by Thick Lens and the Calculation of the Magnification of Laser Beam Expandor
  8. Objective: To evaluate the safety and effectiveness of clear lens phacoemulsification for correction of presbyopia characterized by a short axial length and thick lens.
  9. Fourier Transform of a Thick Lens in the Illumination of Gaussian Beam
  10. Calculations on the Basic-point Positions of Thick Lens
  11. Longitudinal Spherical aberration of a thick Lens
  12. The theoretical analysis of the effect is presented with the Fresnel reflection on the surface of thick lens and the definite aperture introduced in the analysis to make the results agreement with the actual case.
  13. Among the optical equipments, non_ spherical surface lens has been used in some practical system, so the study of optical character of rotational conicoid and it's thick lens will be valuable.
  14. The Location Fixing of the Optical Center of the Rotational Conicoid Thick Lens
  15. The optical center of the rotational hyperboloid and its thick lens
  16. Clear lens phacoemulsification for correction of presbyopia characterized by a short axial length and thick lens
  17. The cardinal point formula of thick lens of unsymmetrical medium has been derived. The relation between the cardinal points of the lune thick lens and the lens parameters has been reviewed.
  18. The seidel third-order aberration coefficients of a thick lens imaging system are derived analytically with the aid of Lie algebra and optical symplectic map.
  19. Analysis of the Ring Cavity of Dye Lasers with the Methods of Equivalent Thick Lens Sequence and of Ray Matrix
  20. Optical pumping of solid-state lasers will induce axial thermal elongation and radial gradient of refractive index in the laser rod, which may be summarized as an effect of thermal thick lens.
  21. Approach to the Optical Center of the Rotational Conicoid and It's Thick Lens
  22. Synthetic image of unusually thick lens array has been demonstrated.
  23. A model which treated the active medium as a thick lens was established to analyze the effects of thermal lens in the resonator. By using the matrix method, the equivalent resonator performance was studied.
  24. The Fourier-Transfrom property of thick lenses and the influence of thickness considered lens on the spatial frequencies of Fourier spectrum has been investigated.